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Cancellation Policy

Last update: 16th July 2023

Cancellation Policy for Tuuggo

Guest Cancellation (info for Guests)

Through Tuuggo website or mobile app, guests may cancel their trip, and the cancellation takes effect immediately. Depending on the situation, the guest can get a full refund, a partial refund, or no return at all. The date the guest cancels the trip, the duration of the trip, and the type of travel will all affect the total amount reimbursed. 

Full refund: Free cancellation period and cancellation

Free cancellation period

There are two situations from which a guest can cancel their booking
– Within 25 hours of the booking.
    Guests who book within 25 hours of their trip have one hour to cancel free of charge.
– Outside 25 hours of the booking.     Guests may cancel their trip for free up to 24 hours before the trip start time.

If a guest wishes to cancel a scheduled trip, we recommend that they tell their host as soon as possible via Tuuggo messaging and complete the cancellation using the Tuuggo website or app. 

Trip modifications

If a guest requests a trip modification and the host agrees, the free cancellation period for the trip is not reset. It is still bound to the original booking time.

Cancellation for cleaning/disinfection concerns

If, upon checking the car at the start of the journey, guests have worries that it hasn’t been cleaned and disinfected, they may cancel free of charge and obtain a full refund. Guests are only entitled for a full refund if they do not accept the car, do not check in for the trip, and call Customer Support as soon as possible to report the problem.

Partial refund: Cancellations outside the free period and guest no-shows

Cancellations outside the free period

If a guest wishes to cancel a planned trip, we recommend them to contact the host as soon as possible via Tuuggo messaging and to execute the cancellation themselves via the Tuuggo website or app. Furthermore, the guest must provide a valid reason to the Tuuggo Support Team through email. Guests who cancel in this manner and do not fall within the free cancellation period will receive a partial refund. No refund will be available for the days of the booking that have already occurred.

We will refund the trip price minus half the average of one day’s trip cost, the protection plan, any Extras, any young driver fee, and half of any delivery fee for canceled trips of two days or less. 
We will also refund the trip price minus the average of one day’s trip cost, the protection plan, any Extras, any young driver fee, and half of any delivery fee for canceled trips lasting more than two days. 


Guest no-show

A guest no-show occurs when a guest fails to cancel and fails to appear for the trip within 30 minutes of the trip’s planned start time.
A passenger who arrives at a trip without a license, with an invalid license, or who sends a another driver in their place is likewise considered a no-show. 
No-show excursions will be canceled by Tuuggo or the host, and the guest will get a partial refund.
We will refund the guest in full minus 75% of one day’s average trip price for no-show excursions lasting no more than two days.
For more than two days, the guest will have a penalty of two days’ average trip price/trip fee combined.
Fees and other extras will not be refunded.


Exceptions to the guest refund amounts for cancellations outside the free period and for no-shows may apply in the event of a flight delay, flight cancellation.

Early returns

Early returns are not credited or refunded unless the guest has made a trip modification request to shorten their vacation and the host has agreed through the Tuuggo website or app.

Trips canceled by host, host no-shows, and trips cancelled by Tuuggo

Host related canceling and host no-shows

A host no-show occurs when a host fails to cancel and fails to appear for the trip within 30 minutes of the trip’s planned start time. In this case, Tuuggo will refund the guest in full.
Funds from a canceled or no-show trip will be accessible for less than 24 hours following the hour of cancellation so that a guest can rebook their trip.
Customer Service is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist guests with rebooking. If the money is still unclaimed after 24 hours, we will give a complete refund.
Guests who do not wish to rebook and do not wish to wait 24 hours for Tuuggo to give a refund may request a refund by email.

Trip cancellation by Tuuggo

Tuuggo’s trust and safety team may cancel a planned trip in specific instances. If this occurs, Tuuggo will notify the guest and host, and the guest will get a full refund. With certain cases, Customer Support is ready to assist guests in rebooking.  

Flight delays or flight cancellations

If a guest’s flight is delayed or canceled, they must notify their host and seek a trip adjustment for a new start time. If the host is unable or unwilling to accept a revised start time and the trip must be canceled, Tuuggo will offer a full refund to the guest if they have messaged their host and provided evidence. Specifically, passengers must notify the host of any airline delays or cancellations at least one hour before the scheduled start time of the Tuuggo trip. They must submit proof demonstrating the flight issue, such as a screenshot from the airline’s mobile app or website. To be eligible for this cancellation policy, the guest must notify Tuuggo of a flight delay or cancellation at least 24 hours before the trip’s scheduled start time. This restriction does not apply if the guest’s flight is canceled or delayed more than three days before the trip’s start time.

Lost baggage delays

If a guest’s luggage is missing or delayed, Tuuggo will give a full refund if the passenger has messaged their host and provided evidence. They must, in particular, tell their host no later than 30 minutes after the scheduled trip start time, notify Tuuggo of the lost luggage delay within 24 hours, and give photographic evidence of a baggage issue.    

Host cancellation (info for Hosts)

If a host needs or wants to cancel a scheduled trip, we advise them to tell the guest as quickly as possible via Tuuggo messaging. The cancellation must then be processed through the Tuuggo website or app. The cancellation is instantaneous, and the guest receives a full refund. 

Host cancellation and host no-shows

Host cancellations

If a trip is cancelled less than 24 hours before it begins, the host will be charged a €50 fee. If they cancel more than 24 hours before the trip, they will be charged €25. Hosts who cancel trips on a regular basis may face extra penalties, including removal from the marketplace.

Host no-show

A host no-show occurs when a host fails to cancel and fails to appear for the trip within 30 minutes of the trip’s planned start time. Failure to show up for a trip can result in a €150 fine.  

Canceled by guests and guest no-shows (info for Hosts)

Trips canceled by guests outside the free cancellation period

If the trip is more than 2 days, then, the Host will be payed one full day’s average trip price. If the trip is less than 2, then,  the Host’s will be payed half of one full day’s average trip price.

If a guest fails to cancel and doesn’t show up for the trip within 30 minutes of the trip’s scheduled start time, it’s a guest no-show or if a guest shows up to a trip with no license, with an invalid license, or who sends their additional driver in their place is a guest no-show.

Guest no-shows

If the trip is more than 2 days, then, the Host will be payed one (or two if the trip is more than 4 days) full day’s average trip price. If the trip is less than 2 days, then,  the Host will be payed half of one full day’s average trip price.
Handeling fees will not be refunded.


All no-shows must be reported by hosts within 72 hours of the trip’s start. If a guest informs us that they will not be there and you do not disclose the no-show to us, we will not award you profits for that trip. We may also impose a fine.


Exceptions to host earnings for trips cancelled outside of the free period and guest no-shows may occur in the case of a flight delay or cancellation (see below).

Trip cancellation by Tuuggo

If the trip is more than 2 days, then, the Host will be payed one full day’s average trip price. If the trip is less than 2 days, then,  the Host will be payed half of one full day’s average trip price. When Tuuggo is forced to cancel a trip less than 24 hours prior to start owing to a guest verification issue, the host will be compensated in accordance with the parameters outlined in above. The host will not be eligible for earnings if the Tuuggo cancellation is made more than 24 hours before the trip start or within one hour of booking for trips booked less than 25 hours before the trip start.  

Protection plans and other extras 

Protection plan costs, half of any delivery fee, and any Extras or young driver fee costs are always refunded to the host if the trip is canceled by Tuuggo, or if the guest fails to show up for the trip.

Handling fees

Handling fees are never refunded to Guests nor to Hosts.   Host trips impacted by guest flight delay, flight cancellation, or lost baggage.   If a guest’s flight is delayed or canceled, or if their luggage is missing, they must notify their host and seek a trip adjustment for a new departure time. We anticipate that the host will make a good-faith attempt to accommodate a new trip departure time. In Tuuggo messaging, the host must record their attempt to accommodate a revised journey start time. If the host is unable or unwilling to accept a revised start time and the trip must be canceled, the host will not be paid for the trip. If the host makes a good faith attempt to reschedule the trip, but both the guest and the host are unable to agree on a reasonable trip modification and the trip must be canceled, Tuuggo will pay the host earnings as if the guest did not show up. (See above).

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